Violence against children...a call to the future

Feb 21, 2024 - 04:37
Feb 21, 2024 - 04:37
 0  7

“Ending domestic violence against children is not just a moral imperative; it is a critical step towards creating a more just and equitable world.”
These words of Irish human rights activist Mary Robinson rang in my ears while I was browsing YouTube.
I closed the Internet to imagine inside myself a similar network extending back twenty years, to my childhood.
I remembered my excessive sensitivity to loud noises, my fear of sleeping alone in the dark, my shaky personality around my peers, the long silence that was suddenly followed by an annoying, unbalanced noise, and loud, overlapping voices that disturbed my bed.
It was not easy for me to strip away my old personality and become Samah today. This required me to shake off painful memories and psychological treatment for the effects of a childhood that lacked anything material and was morally thirsty to the point of death.
To confront the repercussions of domestic violence, it was necessary to dismantle its complex causes, which could be difficult economic conditions, family tension, or lack of information about raising children and lack of awareness about correcting the behavior of the child she was growing up.
Domestic violence is not only physical as it is understood from the word. There is psychological or emotional violence, which includes ignoring, insulting, threatening, or distorting the child’s image through negative language.
There is violence practiced by neglecting the child's basic needs, such as food, medical care, and protection from dangerous environments.
  Economic exploitation, such as using the child for the purposes of financial interests without taking into account his rights.
There is real bullying that the child faces from members of his home. You do not know the extent of its negative impact on the child’s personality.
Violence may develop into sexual assault - God forbid - in cases monitored by international reports, and these numbers are only the tip of the iceberg of silent violations.
All of the above are unlimited types of violence, of which I am certain that at least one of them is practiced - in most Yemeni homes - against children. Perhaps I was the luckiest to have encountered it only psychologically and physically, and to a limited extent.
All the violence in the world is nothing but a summons to our pent-up revenge against the violence practiced on our innocent childhood. Most of the unrighteous citizens you will find are victims of this violence in their homes, and perhaps in their tents or in the open spaces they inhabited in their childhood.
It is not possible to underestimate the look of a child while holding back his tears, or his cry while he is in pain. If he is underestimated, he will cry and an entire people will suffer because of him if this violent child rules over him after decades.
I conclude with a quote that illustrates this impact of Nelson Mandela: “Violence against children not only harms them physically, but also hinders their emotional and cognitive development, affecting the future of our global community.”
The seed of the problem is between four walls, its branch restricts the globe, but its fruits are bitter like the tree of Zaqqum.
*A special article for the yemens children platform