privacy policy

privacy policy:

The Yemen Children platform follows a clear and strict policy that respects the privacy and data protection of users, followers, and stakeholders including followers, readers, and users.

Personal data protection policy

The Yemen Children Platform pledges to ensure the protection, confidentiality, and security of personal data belonging to its users, actual and potential customers, and suppliers, and to respect their privacy.

The Privacy Protection Policy applies to the collection and processing of data on the Yemen Children Platform website and the use of its services or online content.

The privacy policy may be subject to change. The Yemen Children's Platform may at any time change its policies for protecting personal data, in particular to adapt to applicable legislation, and to ensure more stringent protection measures.

In this case, users will be notified of the amendments once they are published online, so we recommend that you regularly check the current version available, or email us below to obtain a copy of the policies.

The Personal Data Protection Policy sets out the principles and procedures for data processing.

Principles of data protection and respect for personal life

1- Collect personal data in a fair and transparent manner, which is the information that belongs to actual users, Internet users, and browsers. The Yemen Children Platform does not collect personal data without informing the concerned persons in advance, including the method of using that data.

The Yemen Children Platform collects this data to:

  • Providing services requested by users and applicants.

  • Meet the needs of its users.

  • Processing submitted requests, suggestions, and complaints that require special procedures.

2- Establishing the necessary measures to ensure the security of users’ and browsers’ personal data:

The Yemen Children Platform ensures the protection of the personal data it collects, and it implements security measures adapted to the degree of sensitivity of the personal data to protect it from intrusion, loss or alteration.

  • The information system, servers and networks it uses to process and store personal data are equipped with protection and security systems (data encryption, firewall, redundancy, backup, etc.).

  • It ensures the security of the information exchanged.

  • It issues access permits to its information system only to people who need them.

  • Educates its employees on the need to protect the personal data available to them in the course of their duties and ensures their compliance with the applicable rules and ethical values ​​of the organization.

  • It requires its providers to comply with the same protection principles.

Data protection in the Yemen Children Platform

1 What data is collected and how?

You personally send certain data to us directly, such as your name and surname, email address, password, phone number, and any other information, complaints or opinions that you can give us.

This information is given when:

  • Create an account on the Yemen Children platform (EN, AR).

  • Participate in writings or publications.

  • Contact us or fill out a reporting form.

  • Subscribe to our newsletter.

2 What is the purpose of the data collected about you?

We use the data collected to:

  • Providing content and services including:

    • Manage your user accounts and notify you of updates to your accounts and the services you use.

    • Responding to your correspondence or contributions that you submit to us.

    • Sending newsletters, ongoing notifications, and news alerts such as a newsletter.

  • Identifying the beneficiaries of our various services.

  • Promote our content and services, including:

    • Suggest content that matches your interests and carry out targeted promotion.

  • Conduct studies and analyzes on the content and services we provide in order to:

    • Understand users' needs better.

  • Ensure the security of your private data.

3 Where is your personal data stored?

Your personal data is stored in Yemen, on our databases.

4 How and when is your data kept?

The Yemen Children Platform applies all administrative, technical and physical means to ensure the protection of personal data.

Personal data is retained for the period necessary for the purposes of the processing for which it was collected except where a longer retention period is required by law or regulation or for the purposes of legal claims.





Duration of retention of information

the user

Fame, name, company, email address, and other registration information such as password.

48 months unless the account is cancelled.

to contact

Fame, name, company, email address, message

36 months after the last exchange

Report a problem, provide a comment or suggestion on the site

Nickname, name, email address, user browser name and date of release, message

24 months after receiving the report

Legal communications

Fame, name, email address, field of expertise, media, expertise, languages ​​spoken, specializations, CV, various violation information and details

48 months after documentation is completed


5 What are your rights?

The Yemen Children's Platform is committed to respecting the exercise of all rights of members and users, in terms of entry, correction, supplementary information, opposition and deletion.

The Yemen Children platform guarantees confidentiality and encryption in archiving user data, and the platform’s employees deal with high strictness and compliance, and this is documented in the terms of the contracts signed by them.

For any information about personal data protection, contact us by email: