Yemen's Children Platform welcomes the members who are members of its community, and seeks to create a community that is worthy of the children of Yemen, that educates them, protects them, supports them, and seeks to achieve their well-being. In this regard, the following conditions and requirements are set:
- As part of the process of encouraging production, spreading knowledge, and awareness of children's rights, Yemen's Children Platform allows users to create accounts, provided that the account is used by the user in a way that enhances the role of the platform and achieves its goals.
- The user who created the account is committed to respecting children and their rights.
- User members are expected to contribute to expanding the circle of those who join the Yemeni Children Platform community and support its efforts, and to contribute to publishing the content it provides.
- The platform looks to users who are members of its community to provide evaluations, advice, and guidance for its work, in a way that improves its performance and contributes to its development.
- The productions and contributions provided by users who are members of the platform are subject to scrutiny, and the content that is consistent with the ethics, professionalism, and policies adopted by the platform is published.
- The processes of journalistic production, production, and publishing media content are subject to the following ethics and professionalism:
- Professions and ethics of journalism and media.
- Independence and neutrality, while preserving the platform's right to express its opinions and adopt advocacy campaigns on issues of rights and freedoms, especially those related to children, and to confront campaigns and practices that call for hatred, discrimination and violent extremism, while taking into account international standards for human rights and freedom of opinion and expression.
- Full alignment with the values of freedom, dignity, justice, human rights and equal citizenship.
- Respecting the public's right to obtain information and content based on facts, while involving the public and relevant stakeholders in planning, furnishing, monitoring and evaluating the content.
- Verifying content and news before publishing, and adhering to accuracy in conveying information and news without intentional truncation or distortion of the context.
- Ensuring the right to reply, opinion and other opinion, and correcting news and information that are erroneous or deficient.
7. The platform's editorial line is determined as follows:
- Promoting children's rights in a supportive manner to build comprehensive awareness that leads to respecting and advocating for these rights.
- Giving priority to the interests and dignity of the child, even if this comes at the expense of journalistic scoops and advocacy for childhood issues.
- Ensure that children are not discriminated against for any reason.
- Encourage children's participation in decision-making on matters and issues that concern them.
- Influence public, social, economic policies and legislation related to children's issues and affairs.
- Deal with great ethical and professional responsibility in media dealing with children's affairs and issues, including refraining from circulating or publishing media materials that incite hatred, violence, violence or discrimination between children on the basis of language, race, religion, nationality, gender or social status, and avoiding circulating images of children taken without their knowledge, or publishing any image or position that shows the child in an inappropriate or humiliating manner or exposes him to risks.
- Announce the source of information published on topics or issues related to children.
- Adopt reliable references in everything related to children's issues and affairs, such as specialized international and local organizations, specialists and activists in the field.
- Defining the terms and concepts related to children's rights in the media, and adhering to the concepts, standards, terms and methodological descriptions that take into account human rights.
- Looking at things from the children's point of view and providing safe media approaches.
- Focusing on publishing inspiring stories and experiences for children.
- Using modern journalistic formats.